Back pain can be the result of numerous - and sometimes mysterious - conditions, and it's important to consult with a physician to identify its cause. However, in many cases, gentle exercise, mindful posture, and core-strengthening can significantly alleviate back pain.

Imagine your spine as a grand wall and your muscles and ligaments as scaffolding that supports this wall. By building up this 'scaffolding' through regular exercise and maintaining a mindful posture, you can help distribute load evenly on your spine, reducing strain and pain.

Together, we'll work on this concept: strengthening your core, improving your posture, and easing your back pain. Think of yourself as the architect of your body, with the power to create a strong, resilient structure that supports you every day.

Hypnosis can be a powerful tool when used regularly. Old established habits and behaviours can be modified and changed to better suit the life experience you want.

This program utilises an intermediate-level rapid induction which is highly suited to those who have experienced hypnosis before. If you’re a beginner, I recommend you play my two (15 minute) hypnosis conditioning recordings first, which you can download – free - lower down the page. These will set you up for success.


Teeth Grinding, aka Bruxism, is a common issue that many people experience, often as a response to stress, anxiety, medication, or during sleep.

It can be a maddening habit, and can end up causing significant discomfort in your face and jaw, not to mention damage to your teeth - and the associated dental charges.  It can be caused by various factors which can be difficult to identify, as it often involves a combination of physical, psychological, and genetic factors.

This powerful single-session hypnosis intervention is designed to help manage the symptoms of bruxism, by interfering with your automatic responses and encouraging you to exercise vigilance over any approaching triggers.

You’ll be guided into a state of deep relaxation and then use the power of suggestion and visualization to help change the subconscious patterns that contribute to your teeth grinding.

Hypnosis can be a powerful tool when used regularly. Old established habits and behaviours can be modified and changed to better suit the life experience you want, suppressing and eventually eliminating your unconscious teeth-grinding action.

This program utilises an intermediate-level rapid induction which is highly suited to those who have experienced hypnosis before. If you’re a beginner, I recommend you play my two (15 minute) hypnosis conditioning recordings first, which you can download – free - lower down the page. These will set you up for success.

Intermediate Level – Running Time 20 Minutes

MP3 - Plays on any device.


Like you, I used to bite my nails, but I kind of grew out of it when I was a teenager. I do remember making a conscious decision to stop, after my Irish Grandma, who told more old-wives tales than you could shake a stick at, told me I’d get a burst appendix if I carried on!

That worked for me, and within days of stopping I acquired a pride in my hands that has lasted to this day. One very destructive, unhygienic, and unattractive habit switched quickly to another, positive, attractive, sensible one.

You may have never thought about WHY you bite your nails. It can probably be traced back to something completely false that happened when you were younger, and less worldly-wise. Whatever it was, whether or not it was meant that way, it left you feeling nervous or anxious in certain situations, and although that old reason is no longer valid, your nail-biting habit has become automatic behaviour.

It serves no purpose, it has no point, and it’s something you’d really like not to do any more.

This hypnosis program doesn’t care why you do it: we’re not going back to find out, we’re just going forwards and equipping you with the tools and weapons to stop that habit, crush it dead, and consign it to the distant past.

The powerful single-session will break-down the process, isolate the impulses, and decouple the automated responses you’ve been struggling with all this time. You’ll open your mind to the marvellous benefits that you’ll start to feel once you make this change, and the pride that comes from not having to hide your hands (or hide behind them) in the future.

You can do this, and I can help you!




This powerful hypnosis session targets objectivity, a personal skill that’s often lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Objectivity is the ability to evaluate yourself and your experiences in an impartial, factual, and unbiased way. In contrast, subjectivity refers to the tendency to evaluate yourself based on personal opinions, emotions, and biases.

The principle advantages of personal objectivity are:

  1. Clarity: Objectivity helps you to gain a clear and accurate understanding of yourself and your experiences, allowing you to make more informed decisions and take appropriate actions.

  2. Accuracy: Objectivity allows you to evaluate yourself and your experiences without being influenced by personal biases or emotions, leading to more accurate self-assessments.

  3. Accountability: Objectivity enables you to take responsibility for your actions, decisions, and behaviors, and avoid blaming others or external factors for your shortcomings.

  4. Growth: Objectivity helps you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and areas where you can improve, leading to personal growth and development.

By cultivating objectivity, we can overcome our limitations, and experience greater personal fulfilment and success.

This immersive, transformational hypnosis session will equip you with the tools you need to make the change.


In this powerful single-session we’re going to work on compassion, particularly the compassion you direct towards yourself, that is to say Self-Compassion’.

I’m sure you’ll have struggled from time to time with some of the unwanted symptoms of a busy life, such as feelings of anxiety, inadequacy, and the effects on your self-esteem.

If you sometimes find yourself being harsh or critical of your own abilities or behaviour, now is a good time to start correcting what can be a highly destructive habit.

What I’d like you to acknowledge before we start the work, is that these are exactly that: symptoms. Once we crush those feelings at source, much of the negativity you experience evaporates.

In order to empower you to deconstruct these symptoms, we’re going to be exploring self-compassion, and how it is the overwhelming antidote to almost all the negativity that you battle on a daily basis.


In this powerful single-session hypnosis recording, we’ll be working together to set you up for success in everything you do. It’s all about finding the trigger that will inspire you, because once you immerse yourself in inspiration, hard things become easy.

You’ll learn that inspiration is itself a big benefit; you find it and you feel it, and it feels good. When you’re inspired, you can’t wait to plunge into your challenges each day.

Take this relaxing journey, and Immerse yourself in metaphor and positive affirmations, bringing inspirational energy into every part of your life.


In this popular, immersive 3-session audio hypnosis download you'll be re-discovering strengths you’ve unwittingly suppressed or buried, and empowering yourself to remove the unnecessary obstructions to living your fuller, more confident life. Profe…

As with all my hypnosis programs, these will work better and faster if you’re confident going in and out of hypnosis. If you’ve tried hypnosis or hypnotherapy in the past, and feel that it worked for you, you should be fine. If this is your first time, I recommend you complete my two short training recordings below, before you set to work on your new mission.

Hypnosis is progressive, and the more often you do it, the faster, smoother, and deeper it becomes. By conditioning yourself with the training sessions, you’ll find the therapeutic effects of the main recording will be many times more successful.

All of this is easily achieved in the privacy of your own home.

All you have to do is relax!